Thursday, May 6, 2010

All Moved In

Hooray!  We're all moved in!!  I've finally got all of my posts (well all that I'm going to move) transferred from Wordpress to Blogspot and ready to tackle this blog-project with gusto.  Yes!!

I decided to move the blog because I really know nothing about, oh, computers, blogging, hosting, photography, html, get the idea--and Blogspot seems a little less complicated than Wordpress.  Plus, I like having user-based ads that can point you toward things you might like if you enjoy my blog and I didn't feel as constrained with the widgets (not that I actually know what that word means).  So, thanks for bearing with me and please visit often!  I'd love to hear thoughts from other bloggers who use either Wordpress or Blogspot and which they like and why.  Help me get started--for real.

I'm still working with a very temporary layout and header and hopefully the husband and I can work on those soon, but I just want to get into a regular rhythm of blogging and daily posts and then pretty it up some more.  Once again, any advice or knowledge are more than welcome.

As I continue to catch up, here's my outfit from Tuesday.  It was a perfectly normal afternoon and then just as I was set to take a photo for the day, the sky turns black and ominous and we get a 7-minute crazy storm.  Hence, this is the only shot I got and I'm threatened by rain at any second.
pink polka dot blouse--Express
navy tulip skirt--Banana Republic, retail days
yellow lace cami--Limited
brown kitten heels--Macy's clearance, remixed

Here's the thing: my closet is stuffed.  Ridiculously full.  And, I have a pretty nice sized walk-in closet for an urban apartment.  But, I cannot seem to stop myself from buying new stuff and even if it is a great deal, thrifted, on sale, whatever--that doesn't solve the space issue.  I already switch everything out for winter and spring and store the off-season garb in giant tupperware containers.  Plus, I really know that I don't actually NEED this many clothes.  I could easily get by with half of this stuff that I really like and re-mix it often. 

So, I started Operation Wear it or Lose it this week.  OWIOLI involves going through my closet, pausing over anything I'm either iffy about or that I haven't worn in the last year or so and either wearing it or losing it to the donation pile (and making a gain for someone else!).  I'm only showing the stuff I end up wearing because if I don't like it enough to wear it THAT DAY, it gets put into the pile.  I'm terrible at filing stuff in a "to give away" bag only to pull it back out later.  So, this is my challenge: wear it then and there or give it AWAY.

This outfit actually ended up incorporating two OWIOLI pieces.  The skirt was an obvious choice: I picked it up on sale when I worked at Banana years ago and although it was different and a beautiful navy color, I always had trouble pairing it with things because of it's funny shape.  On anyone else it would be a tulip skirt, but because it's a little big and my legs are so short, it falls pretty long on me.  But, I didn't want to lose it so I had to figure out something to pair with it.  I needed a tailored top to balance out the ruffles and length, and this blouse from Express that just seems to hide amongst the bulk in the closet worked!  Along the way, I also managed to put one skirt back into storage for winter and add one other one to the donation pile.

Totals so far:
Items Worn: 2
Items Donated: 1


  1. hey there - surfed on over from weardrobe. I am totally a Blogger person as well. Everyone was raving about Wordpress so I tried it, uh, let's just say that it was way too complicated for a dummy like me. :) X

    super cute skirt

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I love it so far--it's SO much easier and I even like the way the blog looks better now. :)

  3. crazy stocking header =) lol. you make it work girl!


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