1. I uploaded Saturday’s look for Weardrobe’s latest contest featuring high heels! I’d love some hearts if you’re so inclined, so check it out and maybe even upload your own entry! The prize is a $100 gift card to Urban Outfitters, which I am unlucky (for my wallet) enough to walk by every day since it’s a block from my office.

2. The beautiful LyddieGal who runs Chic on the Cheap left this sweet blog award for me a while back and I’ve never had the chance to post it or pass it on. Thank you so much!! It’s my first one!!
Be sure to check out her great finds and how she *works* TJ Maxx like you wouldn’t believe!!

Her blogroll has also introduced me to some great new blogs—I need to update my list and my Google reader to accommodate all of this inspiration!
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